Providing Refugees With the Opportunity of a New Life

Resettlement to third countries allows vulnerable refugees to move away from dangerous situations and start rebuilding their lives. Other admission pathways such as humanitarian corridors achieve the same goal. ICMC advocates for more and better resettlement and complementary admission pathways. Our experts support UN agencies, governments and humanitarian organizations resettling refugees. We also work with civil society organizations engaged in community-based refugee sponsorship.
refugee family
Resettling Refugees to the United States
Since the 1980s, ICMC has provided support to the United States government in the resettlement of refugees through its Resettlement Support Center for Turkey and Middle East, based in Istanbul and Beirut. Its staff process applications of refugees referred by the UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, for resettlement within the framework of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. The Center provides a range of services including case management, cultural orientation and coordination of medical exams.
Protection experts
Deploying Refugee and Protection Experts
ICMC’s large roster of experts in refugee and protection issues can be deployed on short notice to support operations in refugee- and migration-related emergencies across the world. Our deployees bring expertise on resettlement, complementary admission pathways, child protection, and prevention and response to sexual and gender-based violence. They support UN agencies and governments working to provide refugees with resettlement opportunities and other admission pathways such as humanitarian corridors.
resettlement to France
Working Towards More and Better Resettlement in Europe
ICMC Europe leads the SHARE Network, a platform for mutual exchange and learning amongst local and regional actors working on refugee resettlement and complementary admission pathways. Through this network, ICMC Europe helps expand welcome from the bottom up and advocates for more and better resettlement in Europe. Reaching out to local communities across Europe, it helps them expand local welcome and integration programs.

Why Resettlement Is a Lifeline for Vulnerable Refugees

This 90-Second Animation Explains How Resettlement and Other Complementary Admission Pathways Work.


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ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.
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