ICMC works in collaboration with partners to promote migrant workers’ rights across the world. Through capacity building and research, ICMC contributes to understanding the key drivers of migration and to improve mechanisms for the protection of workers’ rights.

ICMC Europe coordinates the Migration and Development (MADE) West Africa project. The project promotes good governance of migration, improves the protection of migrant workers’ rights, and maximizes the contribution of diaspora to the development of countries of origin. To achieve these goals, it carries out research activities, training workshops and multi-stakeholder dialogues. It focuses on Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo.

ICMC coordinates the project “The Future of Work, Labour After ‘Laudato Sì’.” Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, the project provides Catholic and other faith-based organizations with tools to respond to changes in the labor market. Its focus is on ensuring the dignity of workers, especially migrant workers. The project is a joint initiative of ICMC, the International Labour Organization and the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.