
Pope Francis

Towards Dignified Work.

On 8-10 May, representatives of the Holy See, Episcopal Conferences, International Inter-Governmental Organizations, NGOs, trade unions, faith-based organizations, including the...
“Our Doors Are Always Open, We Do Not Reject Anyone” – Saint Charles’ Clinic for Women in La Rochelle, South Africa

“Our Doors Are Always Open, We Do Not Reject Anyone” – Saint Charles’ Clinic for Women in La Rochelle, South Africa

Since January 2024, ICMC has partnered with the Saint Charles' Clinic in La Rochelle, Johannesburg, to provide primary healthcare to...
Participants to the event

Actions of Faith-inspired organizations to Advance Health and HIV Care for Migrants, Refugees, and Displaced Populations

From 12 to 14 March 2024, the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) hosted a workshop titled "Faith Sector's Engagement with...
International Migrants Day 2023

“I Came Here Out of Love for My Daughter” – International Migrants Day 2023

On 18 December, we celebrate International Migrants Day, a day dedicated to recognising the contribution, resilience, and challenges faced by...

“Let’s Stay in Touch, If We Are Still Alive”

In a continued show of support for the people of Ukraine following the Russian invasion in February 2022, ICMC Secretary...
Catholic Partnerships in Ukraine: Reflections and Future Challenges

Catholic Partnerships in Ukraine: Reflections and Future Challenges

Latest Reflections 9

Reflections of 21 October on a Third Visit to Ukraine During a Time of War

21 October 2023: Our first meeting in Odesa was with Fr. Oleksander and Rostic of the Stella Maris Apostolate with...
Further Reflections on a Third Visit to Ukraine During a Time of War 1

Further Reflections on a Third Visit to Ukraine During a Time of War

19-20 October: After a full day of riding from Lviv to Kyiv on 18 October 2023, our first meeting the...
Reflections on a 3rd visit to Ukraine torn apart by invasion and war:

Continuation of Reflections on a Third Visit to Ukraine During a Time of War

17 October 2023: Today was dedicated to dialogue and exchange with programs supported by ICMC with the Latin Catholic Archdiocese...
Reflections on a 3rd visit to Ukraine torn apart by invasion and war: 4

Reflections on a Third Visit to Ukraine Torn Apart by Invasion and War

16 October 2023 Our group on this “pilgrimage of solidarity”, Mr. Yuriy Maletskiy, Head of the Knights of Columbus in...

ICMC delegation visits Ukraine

Supporting Ukrainians With Disabilities

Supporting Ukrainians With Disabilities

ICMC supports migrant workers devastated by COVID-19 in India

ICMC Supports Migrant Workers Devastated by COVID-19 Job Losses in India

A three-month lockdown went into effect nearly overnight in March 2020, leaving people in the urban slums of Delhi stranded...
Supporting Unaccompanied Migrant Children Living on the Streets of Djibouti City

Supporting Unaccompanied Migrant Children Living on the Streets of Djibouti City

For the past 20 years, Caritas Djibouti, ICMC’s member in the country, has been working with street children, most of...
Azizur's Chicken Curry

Azizur’s Chicken Curry

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ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.