
Irish Bishops Denounce Human Trafficking, Urge Church Response

Source: Crux

Human trafficking “is wrong, it is illegal, and it is sinful,” Irish Bishops said in a recent statement that highlighted increased forced migration from Great Britain to Ireland. They urged Catholic parishes to become better informed and to continue responding to and raising awareness of the issue.

U.S. Bishops Support Efforts to End Human Trafficking

Source: Catholic News Agency

U.S. Bishops have called on legislators to pass a proposed bill that would finance anti-human trafficking measures and support survivors. “It is incumbent upon all of us to unite in promoting efforts that prevent the evil of human trafficking,” said Episcopal migration lead Mark J. Seitz.

Pope Urges Catholics to Take Action to End Human Trafficking

Source: ACI Africa

On the International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking on 8 February, Pope Francis urged Catholics to work to stop “this global scourge.” “It is a call to take action, to mobilize all our resources in combatting trafficking and restoring full dignity” to survivors, he said.


Refugee Protection and Human Trafficking – Linked event to the Global Refugee Forum 2023

Human Trafficking and Human Rights

Human Trafficking and Human Rights

Trafficking in Human Beings in Conflict or Post-Conflict Situations. A Reflection on Strategies

Trafficking in Human Beings in Conflict or Post-Conflict Situations. A Reflection on Strategies

In conflict areas, trafficking in persons for the purpose of sexual slavery, forced labour, recruitment of children into armed groups...

ICMC and Its Members Work to Stop Trafficking and Aid Survivors

Source: Vatican News

In a Vatican News interview on the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, ICMC Secretary General Robert J. Vitillo highlights the organization’s work to prevent this “crime against human dignity” and to support its national members as they aid trafficking survivors and protect those at risk.

ICMC Members Strive to Respond to and Prevent Human Trafficking

Source: Vatican News

Services at borders, skills training, psychological support, housing, and education about migrant rights are some of the efforts by Episcopal Conferences in Southern Africa, Mozambique, Central Africa, and Thailand to respond to and end human trafficking highlighted in this Vatican News interview.

ICMC Members Take Action to Combat Human Trafficking and Assist Victims and Survivors 1

ICMC Members Take Action to Combat Human Trafficking and Assist Victims and Survivors

On the occasion of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, held each year on 30 July, we take a...

Pope Prays for Migrant Shipwreck Victims and End to Trafficking

Source: Catholic Review

During the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Francis remembered the migrants who died in a shipwreck off Italy on 26 September and appealed for an end to the human trafficking that is taking the lives of many innocent people. “May the journeys of hope never again turn into journeys of death,” he prayed.

Brazilian Bishops Plan Actions to Combat Human Trafficking

Source: Agenzia Fides

The Brazilian Episcopal Commission on human trafficking must listen to the voices of victims, its members concluded after meeting to plan actions for 2023. “It was a meeting of hope,” said Commission head Msgr. Evaristo Pascoal Spengler, including an advocacy visit to the Ministry of Human Rights.

Church in Philippines Marks First National Day to End Trafficking

Source: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Manila

As the Church in the Philippines marked its first national day against human trafficking, Episcopal vice president Bishop Mylo Hubert encouraged Catholics to “walk together” with trafficking victims. He called on the clergy to be “co-journeyers in dignity” in the fight to end the modern-day scourge.

South African Bishop Calls for More Awareness about Trafficking

Source: ACI Africa

The South African liaison Bishop for uprooted people urged the Church to dedicate the month of February to raising awareness about human trafficking. “South Africa is a hotspot for traffickers. We appeal especially to our youth to be vigilant,” Bishop Joseph Mary Kizito said in a recent statement.


World Day Against Trafficking in Persons


International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Trafficking in Persons

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