SHARE Integration: Spotlight on Croatia

Despite a climate of declining solidarity when it comes to international and European efforts to support refugees, there is much to celebrate for SHARE Integration.
The latest, April 2019 edition of the SHARE Integration magazine highlights how resettlement efforts are well underway across Europe. 24,000 refugees have already been welcomed to their new homes, with a 50,000-target set for October 2019. It has been, and will be a busy year for SHARE Integration and all the actors involved in refugee resettlement.
The April SHARE Integration magazine focuses on Croatia, a country that only recently opened its doors to resettling refugees, showcasing the efforts of local authorities and communities.
Over the past six months, SHARE partners have also worked on developing and using the SHARE Preparing Welcoming Communities Curriculum to train local stakeholders awaiting upcoming arrivals in 25 small municipalities across Europe.
A concrete example of how resettlement can work and of the successful role of small municipalities in integrating refugees, the first video of the Small places, Great hearts series focuses on the experience of the Austrian town of Gänserndorf. The video, produced by Caritas Austria in collaboration with the municipality of Gänserndorf, can be accessed here.
SHARE Integration is the second phase of the SHARE project being implemented in 2018-2019. The SHARE Network was established in March 2012. Led by the International Catholic Migration Commission Europe office, it provides a platform for mutual exchange and learning between local and regional actors working on or considering resettlement. It advocates for more and better resettlement in Europe.
• Read the April edition of the SHARE magazine