Rev. Fr. Habib Kalakech
Rev. Fr. Habib Kalakech was born in Rmeish in southern Lebanon and is a member of the Congregation of the Maronite Lebanese Missionaries since 1990.
He obtained a degree in Lebanese Law from the Lebanese University, a Theology degree from the Holy Spirit University and a Law Degree from the Pontifical University of Lateran in Rome. In 1998, he completed a Doctorate in canon and civil law from the Pontifical University of Lateran.
Fr. Kalakech was the former director of the Voice of Charity radio station, and the superior of the Monastery of the Holy Savior. He is the President of the Law commission and has acted as an ecclesiastical judge for many years in the Unified Maronite Ecclesial Court.
Fr. Kalakech is the General Secretary of the Episcopal Committee for Missionary Cooperation between Churches and the Care of Migrants, a committee emanating from the Assembly of Catholic patriarchs and bishops in Lebanon.