New Year Message From ICMC President Dr. Anne Gallagher

As we begin a new year, Dr. Anne T. Gallagher expresses her gratitude to ICMC supporters and donors and invites us all to continue together the journey to protect and serve migrants and refugees around the world.
[Transcript] Hello, my name is Anne Gallagher and I’m President of ICMC – the International Catholic Migration Commission. I’d like to begin this message with a heartfelt thank-you.
This has been a busy year for our organization. But none of what we have achieved would have been possible without you, our partners and donors.
So on behalf of our national members, Governing Committee, Secretary General and staff, I want to thank all of you, most sincerely, for that support. It is much needed, and deeply appreciated.
ICMC’s central mission – protecting and supporting refugees and migrants – has never been more important.
A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to visit Jordan, where I observed, first-hand, ICMC’s humanitarian work. I met with Syrian refugee families; I saw the dire situation they live in; I listened to them speak about their hopes for the future.
What we do to meet the needs of migrant and refugees is vital. It makes a difference. With your support, we must continue and do even more.
ICMC will also continue its vital advocacy work for migrants and refugees. We have a reputation for strong, principled advocacy. A reputation that was greatly strengthened through our recent work for the Global Compacts on Migration and Refugees.
These Compacts propose a new international deal for human mobility. Their implementation will require courage and vision from all of us. We need to look to a future in which migration is safe, dignified and truly beneficial for everyone involved.
I am confident that in 2019 and beyond ICMC will continue to be at the forefront: leading by example; delivering practical assistance to those in need; providing inspiration, encouragement and support to our partners and to governments.
So, again, thanks so very much for your support thus far. And let’s continue together the journey to welcome, protect, promote and integrate migrants and refugees across the world.