Fighting Economic Gender-Based Violence

In Jordan, certain social practices and customs perpetuate gender inequality and discourage women from joining the labor market. These practices were challenged during the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign.
In some marginalized communities in Jordan, there is little awareness of the positive impact of gender equality, including the importance of equal distribution of financial opportunities between women and men. As a consequence, vulnerable Syrian women refugees and Jordanians alike are disempowered financially and prevented from reaching their potential as capable financial contributors to their families. This constitutes a gender-based type of economic violence.
As part of its commitment towards the socioeconomic empowerment of vulnerable Syrian and Jordanian women, the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) advocates for gender equality in its awareness-raising activities targeting vulnerable communities.
One such activity took place during the recent observance of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign. On 3 December, the ICMC Protection Center dedicated its awareness-raising sessions for women to the topic of economic gender-based violence.
Wearing orange ribbons commemorating the 16 Days of Activism campaign, women participated in activities and discussions aimed at encouraging them to embrace their roles as financial contributors to their families.
By examining different scenarios from their daily lives, they were also given the opportunity to distinguish between different forms of economic gender-based violence, whether domestic or occupational. The sessions also drew the participants’ attention to the fact that women may subject other women to gender-based violence, as it is not a practice limited only to men.