Civil Society, Criminalisation, and the Global Compact for Migration

On 1 July, the International Catholic Migration Commission joined 47 other NGOs, calling on States to do more to save lives and uphold human rights of migrants, including by recognising the role of civil society and creating an environment for its work.
The statement to the UN Human Rights Council, delivered on behalf of the group of NGOs by the International Catholic Migration Commission, read as follows:
“We are deeply concerned by widespread and growing violations of the human rights of migrants and an environment where those who seek to protect them are increasingly criminalized.
The Global Compact for Migration provides technical guidance and a cooperative framework for the implementation of existing legal commitments. It is mobilizing resources to support States in this.
We are asking you to do more and to do better to save lives and uphold human rights. The Compact can help you do this.
Civil Society is already using the Compact at regional and national level, often in partnership with States, for example:
– Civil society in Central America are developing a pilot programme to identify missing migrants to support States’ implementation of Objectives 8 and 9.
– Migrant Forum in Asia has led consultations with governments and other stakeholders throughout Asia.
– Cross-Regional Center for Refugees and Migrants has developed a baseline assessment on the GCM for the MENA region.
– The International Detention Coalition is working with States to develop a cross regional platform on alternatives to child immigration detention in line with Objective 13(h)
We believe these activities can inspire similar measures, but we need all States to create an environment that enables us to do so and we need all States to take leadership on implementation.
The human rights of migrants deserve the acknowledgement, respect, and urgent action of all of us.”
Delivered by the International Catholic Migration Commission, the statement was co-sponsored by the following ECOSOC accredited NGOs:
- ACT Alliance
- Alianza Americas
- Asylum Access
- Caritas Internationalis
- Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
- Congregations of St. Joseph
- Defence for Children International
- International Catholic Migration Commission
- International Commission of Jurists
- International Council of Voluntary Associations (ICVA)
- International Detention Coalition
- International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR)
- Migrant Forum in Asia
- Save the Children
- Terre des Hommes International Federation
- Translators without Borders
- Vivat International
- World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP)
The statement was also supported by the following NGOs and networks who do not have ECOSOC accreditation:
- Action Secours Ambulance (ASA)
- Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN)
- Asociación Rumiñahui
- Bloque latinamericano y el Caribe sobre Migración
- Casa Monarca ayuda humanitaria al migrante
- Center for Migrant Advocacy, Philippines (CMA-Phils)
- Centro de Atención y Desarrollo Integral Migrante (CADIM Oxnard)
- Centro de Recursos Centroamericanos Del Norte California (CARECEN)
- Centro de Atención a la Familia Migrante e Indígena (CAFAMI)
- Civil Society Action Committee
- Comision de Accion Social Menonita (CASM)
- Destination Unknown Network
- Estancia del Migrante González y Martínez
- FM4 – Paso Libre
- Fundación para la Justicia y el Estado Democrático de Derecho
- Global Coalition on Migration
- Institution para las Mujeres en la Migración (IMUMI)
- Instituto de Estudios y Divulgación sobre Migración (INEDIM)
- International Presentation Association
- NGO Coalition on Migration
- Organismo Cristiano de Desarrollo Intergral de Honduras (OCDIH)
- Pacific Islands Association of Non-Government Organisation (PIANGO)
- Plateforme des Organisations Nationales et Territoriales (Pont-Sch)
- Red de Mujeres del Bajío
- Red Internacional de Migración y Desarrollo
- Red Jesuita con Migrantes de América Latina y Caribe (RJM-LAC)
- Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary
- Solidarity Centre
- The Mixed Migration Centre
- Women in Migration Network