

‘Education: A Pathway of Hope That Opens Doors to a Better Future’ ICMC Statement on the Occasion of the International Day of Education, 24 January 2025’

January 23, 2025

Re-enrolled children play at the 2023 launch of the ICMC-supported reschooling project in the Central African Republic

ICMC Supports Members to Ensure Access to Education for Displaced Children Around the World

On the occasion of the International Day of Education, celebrated on Friday 24 January, we spotlight how ICMC support has...
Ensuring the Right to Education on World Refugee Day

Ensuring the Right to Education on World Refugee Day

20 June is World Refugee Day, which this year focuses on the right to seek protection. The International Catholic Migration...
Supporting Unaccompanied Migrant Children Living on the Streets of Djibouti City

Supporting Unaccompanied Migrant Children Living on the Streets of Djibouti City

For the past 20 years, Caritas Djibouti, ICMC’s member in the country, has been working with street children, most of...
ICMC Commemorates International Day of the Girl Child; Mariam, an Example of Girl Strength

ICMC Commemorates International Day of the Girl Child; Mariam, an Example of Girl Strength

At 15, Mariam was engaged to be married. When her engagement ended, she struggled with social isolation, low self-esteem, and...
Kyaw Hla Aung: A Life of Selfless Struggle for the Rohingya People

Kyaw Hla Aung: A Life of Selfless Struggle for the Rohingya People

A lawyer and activist recognized for his dedication to fighting for equality, education, and human rights for the Rohingya people...
Rohingya Women Gain Livelihood Skills Through Vocational Training 1

Rohingya Women Gain Livelihood Skills Through Vocational Training

When refugees flee their country, they often lose the income-generating activities that allowed them to support themselves and their families....

A Safe Space for Internally Displaced Children in Burkina Faso

Education: The Key to Success for Rohingya Refugees

Education: The Key to Success for Rohingya Refugees

Children Displaced by Violence in Burkina Faso Find a Safe Place at ICMC-Supported Center 1

Children Displaced by Violence in Burkina Faso Find a Safe Place at ICMC-Supported Center

In September 2020, ICMC and the Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees of Burkina Faso launched...
ICMC Civil Society Coordination

ICMC Civil Society Coordination

ICMC Urban Cohesion Hub Opens in Pakistan

Source: Associated Press of Pakistan

ICMC’s Urban Cohesion Hub was inaugurated on 15 February near Pakistan’s capital Islamabad. The new facility offers integrated services, including health, education, skill training, legal support, and recreational activities, to over 30,000 Afghan refugees.

Implementing the Global Compact for Migration: ICMC Advocates for Better Protection of Children and All Migrants

Implementing the Global Compact for Migration: ICMC Advocates for Better Protection of Children and All Migrants

Nearly two years after States adopted the Global Compact for Migration, governments of Europe, North America, and Central Asia, under...

Child Rights in the Global Compact for Migration, UNECE Regional Review

November 24, 2020

At the UNECE Regional Review of the Global Compact for Migration, the Initiative for Child Rights pleaded with governments to prioritize children’s best interest, end child detention, facilitate family reunification, and protect children from the dangers of COVID-19.

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ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.