
ICMC Responds to Online Violence and Exploitation Affecting Refugee Communities 2

ICMC Responds to Online Violence and Exploitation Affecting Refugee Communities

On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2025, celebrated on 8 March, we take a look at Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence...
ICMC Provides Vital Training for Educators Working With Refugee Children in Malaysia

ICMC Provides Vital Training for Educators Working With Refugee Students in Malaysia

On 3-4 December 2024, 40 educators working with refugee children at Dignity For Children Foundation, Kuala Lumpur, attended ICMC’s two-day...

General Advisory: Claims About Resettlement Services by ICMC

It has come to our recent attention that there may be misleading claims suggesting that ICMC Malaysia and other notable...
ICMC Joins International Discussions To Fight Wage Theft 5

ICMC Joins International Discussions To Fight Wage Theft

ICMC President Ms. Christine Nathan participates in regional expert discussions on action to fight wage theft and uphold the rights...
Ensuring the Right to Education on World Refugee Day

Ensuring the Right to Education on World Refugee Day

20 June is World Refugee Day, which this year focuses on the right to seek protection. The International Catholic Migration...
Breaking the Cycle of Abuse and Domestic Violence

كسر دائرة الإساءة والعنف الأسري – Breaking the Cycle of Abuse and Domestic Violence (Arabic)

Recognizing and Addressing Sexual Harassment

تعريف التحرش الجنسي والتعامل معه – Recognizing and Addressing Sexual Harassment (Arabic)

ICMC Statement on Scam Calls Masquerading as the Organization and Its Officers – အဖဲွအစညး် င၎့် ငး်၏အရာိများအေနြဖင ့် လိမ်လည်လည့်ြဖားဖနး်ေခ ဆိမများအေပ ICMC ထတ်

ICMC wishes to warn the public at large about this fraudulent activity being perpetrated using the name of the organisation,...

Bangladeshi Cardinal: Guarantee Dignity, Protection for Rohingya

Source: Agenzia Fides

Rohingya refugees must be welcomed and protected, said Cardinal Patrick D'Rozario after a visit to Cox’s Bazar camp in Bangladesh. He called for international solidarity while noting the good work by ICMC’s national member Caritas Bangladesh to provide dignified living conditions in the camp.

Creating Peace at Home: ICMC Malaysia’s New Video Series 2

Creating Peace at Home: ICMC Malaysia’s New Video Series

In response to COVID-19 lockdowns, ICMC Malaysia’s Peace-at-Home videos provide activities for families to do together, as well as tips...
Azizur's Chicken Curry

Azizur’s Chicken Curry

Zahidah's Prawn Curry

Zahidah’s Prawn Curry

Mariam's Lentil Soup

Mariam’s Lentil Soup

Fatemah's Fish Curry

Fatemah’s Fish Curry

Church in Malaysia Highlights Plight of Rohingya Refugees

Source: Union of Catholic Asian News

Catholic-inspired organizations in Malaysia held a workshop to address the plight of Rohingya refugees. Misinformation and fear are driving discrimination and hostility towards the Rohingya community, said Father Bernard Hyacinth of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur during discussions at the meeting.

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ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.