
ICMC Supports Church Efforts in Manipur Recovery

Source: Herald Malaysia

Nearly two years after ethnic conflict in Manipur, India, the Catholic Church, with support from ICMC and other partners, helped victims rebuild their lives. Efforts included mental health support and constructing 600 homes for displaced families, with 200 completed.

ICMC Member in India Launches Program to Support Informal Migrants’ Rights

Source: Matters India

The Commission for Migrants of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) launched the project "Supporting Informal Migrant Workers: Access to Entitlements" to ensure all migrant workers have equal access to basic rights and services.

ICMC Members Hold Training on Working With Migrants in Asia

Source: Matters India

From 12 to 17 February in Manila, ICMC’s members in the Philippines and India and the Vatican Dicastery for Integrated Human Development held a training for 50 pastoral workers supporting migrants. The training provided participants with insights into the needs and challenges of migrants and refugees, and the role of pastoral care.

Accompanying Delhi’s Migrant Workers During the COVID-19 Exodus

Source: Global Sisters Report

Sr. Rani Punnaserril is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Cross Menzingen. She lives in Delhi and works for the Archdiocese as the secretary of the Commission for Migrants for Delhi, and the north region for the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI). In this interview, she recounts how she assisted migrant workers in Delhi during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Giving Migrants in India a Second Chance

Strengthening Care for Migrants in India

Source: Vatican News

To root out labour exploitation and human trafficking, the National Commission for Migrants of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) brought together representatives from across India on 12-14 March, with ICMC's President and the Vatican's Migrants and Refugees Section participating. The aim is to better protect people’s human dignity, by involving migrants too.

ICMC supports migrant workers devastated by COVID-19 in India

ICMC Supports Migrant Workers Devastated by COVID-19 Job Losses in India

A three-month lockdown went into effect nearly overnight in March 2020, leaving people in the urban slums of Delhi stranded...
ICMC Joins International Discussions To Fight Wage Theft 5

ICMC Joins International Discussions To Fight Wage Theft

ICMC President Ms. Christine Nathan participates in regional expert discussions on action to fight wage theft and uphold the rights...
family outside hospital

“We Are Begging for Oxygen,” Say Catholic Organizations Responding to India’s Second COVID-19 Wave

As India faces the worst coronavirus wave since the beginning of the pandemic, Catholic organizations plead with their government and...

Indian Bishops’ Study Reveals Migrant Workers’ Vulnerability

Source: Union of Catholic Asian News

A new study by the Conference of Catholic Bishops’ of India reveals the endemic poverty and lack of safety with which most internal migrant workers contend. The study recommends a multi-pronged strategy from government and non-government agencies to overcome these conditions.


Driven by the Depth of Love: Stories of Migrants

November 18, 2020

New Books Tell Migrant Workers’ Stories, Outline Person-Centered Responses To Labor Migration

New Books Tell Migrant Workers’ Stories, Outline Person-Centered Responses To Labor Migration

The International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) is publishing two books with research findings on migrant workers’ experiences, testimonies from migrant...

Christian Organizations in India Prepare to Increase Fight Against Human Trafficking

Source: Eastern Mirror

Amrat Talitha Kum India, an anti-trafficking movement led by women religious, held a meeting to increase and coordinate actions to fight human trafficking. ICMC Governing Committee member Fr. Jason Vadassery, who took part in the discussions, stressed the need to identify and collaborate with national and international NGOs.

Call to Protect India’s Migrant Workers

Source: Union of Catholic Asian News

Internal migrant workers in India are returning to urban centers after having gone home during the coronavirus lockdown. The Conference of Catholic Bishops’ of India’s (CCBI) Commission for Migrants is calling upon the government to pass laws that will help improve their condition. The COVID-19 crisis has underlined the need to protect this population, says the Commission’s Secretary.

Accompanying Migrants in India During COVID-19

Source: Indian Catholic Matters

The COVID-19 lockdown had extreme consequences on India's migrant workers. The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India organized a Zoom meeting to discuss the strategies through which the Church can best assist migrant workers and advocate for their rights.

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