‘God Walks With His People’: World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Sunday 29 September 2024
September 29, 2024 12:00 am — 11:59 pm Timezone: Europe/Berlin



Each year, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) asks Catholics around the world to remember those displaced by conflict and persecution. In 2024, the WDMR will be celebrated on Sunday 29 September.

The Church has been celebrating the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (WDMR) since 1914. It is an occasion to express concern for different vulnerable people on the move; to pray for them as they face many challenges; and to increase awareness about the opportunities that migration offers. As the title for his 2024 WDMR message, the Holy Father has chosen “God walks with His people”.

“Dear brothers and sisters,” reads the WDMR message of Pope Francis. “On this day dedicated to migrants and refugees, let us unite in prayer for all those who have had to leave their land in search of dignified living conditions. May we journey together with them.”


ICMC provides assistance and protection to vulnerable people on the move and advocates for sustainable solutions for refugees and migrants.