Reflections on a Fourth Solidarity Visit to Ukraine – 26/03/2024

Tuesday, 26 March 2024
For the past three days, our Solidarity delegation has had a small “taste” of what most Ukrainians have been experiencing in a much more constant and intensive manner for the last two years of full-scale invasion – the roar of rockets bombarding and sirens warning to seek shelter.
On Sunday morning, 24 March, at 5:50 AM, the other delegation members and I were awakened by the screech of rockets in Lviv. Then, as we arrived in Kyiv the next day, we were “treated” to sustained sirens and the sight of many people in the neighborhood of our hotel seeking shelter.
But, later Monday evening, we went to Mass at nearby St. Nicholas Church – once again, the faith of the people overwhelmed me as they prayed so intently for peace and they sang so loudly in Latin: “Per crucem tuam redimisti mundum – by your cross you redeemed the world!”
Today, Tuesday, 26 March, we met with the Papal Nuncio, the Pope’s ambassador to the government and people of Ukraine, Archbishop Visvaldas Kulbokas. He decided to remain in Ukraine when most other Ambassadors left the country at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.
He frequently goes to the battlefront to show the concern of Pope Francis and of the Catholic Church for the people who suffer the most during this war. He tries to bring supplies, but especially hope and solidarity to war-affected people who have lost so much and need so much.
He spoke with great concern about the widows, the orphans, the children behind the lines of battle, and those who have been separated from their parents and other family members. He expressed grave concern about the emotional pain carried home by returning military.
I thanked the Nuncio for his encouragement of our joint work, with other Catholic humanitarian organizations as the Catholic Response for Ukraine Working Group and for his strong suggestion that ICMC supports local mental health and pastoral responses by the local churches here .
Here is a photo of the Nuncio (wearing a pin to support prayer for peace in Ukraine) with the members of our Delegation.

Immediately after our meeting at the Papal Nunciature, we proceeded to the National Institute of Medicine’s Orthopedic clinic, where delegation member Ms. Erica Smith of Mission Outreach agency of the Hospital Sisters Health System donated a portable ultrasound machine.
Here we are with the Chief Orthopedic surgeon – he told us they have doubled the number of surgeries at the clinic – from 1000 per year to 2000, and half of those are of military members wounded in battle. We saw many such patients in the hospital grounds and corridors.

And here is the young orthopedic resident who will use the ultrasound during the surgical procedures – he cannot contain his joy at receiving this donation and seemed so anxious to open this “gift” that will ensure better fitting of prostheses and facilitate better healing.

Let us pray that the hearts, mind, and spirits of the war wounded will heal as well as their bodies!