ICMC is deeply grateful to all its donors for their trust, support and commitment to our common mission of protecting and serving uprooted people wherever they are and regardless of their status.

Institutional Donors, Partners, Foundations & NGOs
Australian Embassy’s Direct Aid Program (DAP)
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
Republic of Croatia
German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA, the Netherlands)
Government of Sweden
Swedish Migration Agency
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Embassy of Taiwan to the Holy See
Government of the United Arab Emirates
United States Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM)
United States Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
European Commission
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity
Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation, Taiwan
International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
Oak Foundation
Catholic Church-Related Donors, Including ICMC National Member Episcopal Conferences
Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development / Migrants and Refugees Section
Antilles Episcopal Conference
Archdiocese of Luxembourg
Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Caritas Jerusalem
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Canada
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Papua New Guinea & Solomon Islands
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Thailand
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
Catholic Episcopal Conference of Belarus
Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference of Taiwan
Croatian Bishops’ Conference
Diocese of Djibouti and Apostolic Administration of Mogadishu
Episcopal Conference of Argentina
Episcopal Conference of Austria
Episcopal Conference of Belgium
Episcopal Conference of Congo Brazzaville
Episcopal Conference of Ireland
Episcopal Conference of Mali
Episcopal Conference of Malta
Episcopal Conference of Mexico
Episcopal Conference of Turkey
Episcopal Conference of Spain
Fundación Universitaria San Antonio
German Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Italian Episcopal Conference
Latvian Bishops’ Conference
New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Conference / Caritas New Zealand
Scandinavian Episcopal Conference
Swiss Bishops’ Conference
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops / Migration and Refugee Services
Private Donors
ICMC is deeply grateful to all its supporters; without their prayers and partnership, we could not carry out this important mission. ICMC acknowledges the contributions of the 1951 Founders’ Circle, a group of donors who have made a commitment of $1,000 or more during the past year. For more information, please contact

Shepherd (Planned Gift)
Rev. Joseph K. Curley
Alexandra De Koranyi
Dale L. Har
Roger and Margaret J. Harmon Family Trust
Loretta Schweiger
Mary Jane Strattner Gregory
Advocate ($25,000-$49,999)
Anonymous (1)
The Chicago Community Foundation
Guardian ($10,000- $24,999)
Anonymous (4)
Robert C. Kucera Revocable Trust
Raymond P. Kurkjy
Protector ($5,000-$9,999)
Anonymous (10)
Elizabeth Beard
John Bonney
Church of the Ascension
Alexander and Shirle Kuhn
Joseph Macek
Ed and Terry Orzechowski
Roger Podesta
Salvatore Sclafani
Kathryn Vogt
Companion ($1,000-$4,999)
Anonymous (115)
Patrick and Angela Adams
Nancy Agnew
Judith Antonelli
Donald and Alice Beck
Jacques and Sylvia-Jean Bergeron
Victoria Beynon
Kathy Bornino
Robert and Nancy Brooks
Mary Catherine Bunting
Edward Carlson
Dorothy Caron
Joseph Cazares
Joseph Chaya
Edmund and Mary Conway
R. Roy Cosby
Fr. Daniel Coughlin
Robert Culpepper
Donald and Ginger Denman
James R. Dougherty Jr. Foundation, Inc.
John and Kelli Evans
Michele Gentine
John and Sandra Gerrish
John and Rosemary Gorrell Memorial Fund
John Gudac
Catherine Harrigan
Hatcher FLP
Marianne Hondel
Mark Hopfinger
Albert and Lenise Howard
Robert Hurtubise
Frank Kernan
Hedwig Kesler
Thomas Knight, Jr.
Raymond Kurkjy
Maria Lauricella
James Mason
Jacqueline Massood
Francis and Clare McLaughlin
Rose McMahon
Charles Miller
James and Marianne Molinaro
Ted Molitor
Daniel Morvant
Birch and Catherine Mullins
Donna Nasset
Nga and Giac Nguyen
Patrick and Kathleen O’Flaherty
Kathleen Potts
Father John Renard
Arthur Rounds
Ronnie and Martha Russo
Linda Schmidt
Andreas and Silvina Sironi
St. Joseph Parish
Judith Antoine Shanley Foundation
Becky Sutton
Carol Tauer
Robert Whittington
Robert Willhite
Mary and John Yerrick
Marie Zalega