
Institutional Donors, Partners, Foundations & NGOs
German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Government of the United Arab Emirates
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
United States Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM)
United States Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
European Commission
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
Aurora Prize for Awakening Humanity
Porticus Foundation
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
Catholic Church-Related Donors, Including ICMC National Member Episcopal Conferences
Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development / Migrants and Refugees Section
Antilles Episcopal Conference
Archdiocese of Luxembourg
Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales
Caritas Jerusalem
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Canada
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Korea
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Thailand
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
Catholic Episcopal Conference of Belarus
Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference of Taiwan
Croatian Bishops’ Conference
Diocese of Djibouti and Apostolic Administration of Mogadishu
Episcopal Conference of Argentina
Episcopal Conference of Austria
Episcopal Conference of Belgium
Episcopal Conference of Congo Brazzaville
Episcopal Conference of Malta
Episcopal Conference of Poland
Episcopal Conference of Spain
Episcopal Conference of Turkey
German Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Italian Episcopal Conference
Latvian Bishops’ Conference
National Episcopal Conference of Congo
New Zealand Catholic Bishops’ Conference / Caritas New Zealand
Pakistan Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Scandinavian Episcopal Conference
Swiss Bishops’ Conference
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops / Migration and Refugee Services
Private Donors
ICMC is deeply grateful to all its supporters; without their prayers and partnership, we could not carry out this important mission. ICMC acknowledges the contributions of the 1951 Founders’ Circle, a group of donors who have made a commitment of $1,000 or more during the past year. For more information, please contact (All figures in U.S. dollars.)

Shepherd (Planned Gift)
Mr. Michael Alvares
Mr. Ronald Rossi
Mr. Derek Coelho
Ms. Mary Ann Padol
Ms. Lozelle Pratt
Advocate ($25,000-$49,999)
Anonymous (1)
Ms. Mary Ann Padol
Mr. John Zofchak
Guardian ($10,000- $24,999)
Church of the Ascension
Dr. & Mrs. James and Patricia Melluish
Mr. Pierre M. Hegy
Msgr. Robert J. Vitillo
Mr. Glen L. Murphy
Mr. Paul M. Gerber
Protector ($5,000-$9,999)
Anonymous (1)
Dr. Elizabeth L. Beard
Ms. Lisa Benton
Mr. John D. Bonney
Mrs. Monica Chase,Chase Family
Mr. Orlando Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice and Deborah Curran
Mr. Alfred C. De Crane, Jr.
Mr. Peter and Katie Dallas
Mr. and Mrs. John and Kelli Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund and Beth Garbe
Ms. Pauline J. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Theresa Orzechowski
Mr. Roger E. Podesta
Dr. Salvatore J. Sclafani
The Schaefer Family Foundation
Ms. Lucia Van Ruiten
Companion ($1,000-$4,999)
Anonymous (11)
Ms. Nancy A. Agnew
Mr. Al J. Ahmann
Mr. Michael Alvares
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and Margaret Angermeier
Mr. Peter Jerry Anninos III
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen and Patricia Antolik
Mr. Pedro F. Arce
Mr. Eugene Arnold
Mrs. Douglas M. Asrouch
Mr. Robert M. Augros
Dr. Mary Catherine Bateson
Mr. Andrew R. Bean
Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Alice Beck
Mr. Walter F. Bensing
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques and Sylvia Jean Bergeron
Mr. Larry Bernard
Ms. Beth Catherine Bernauer
Ms. Victoria E. Beynon
Ms. Kathy Bornino
Mr. Joseph Borodach
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry and Judih Bosimier
The Robert and Nancy Brooks Foundation
Ms. Phyllis M. Brown
Ms. Peg A. Bruner
Ms. Beverly A. Bucher
Mr. Donald C. Buell
Mr. Joseph Bukovec
Ms. Mary Catherine C. Bunting
Mr. Vincent Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Charles and Kyungsung Buxton
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence and Janice Cameron
Ms. Mary Denise Cancellare
Ms. Ann M. Carothers
Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Kandi Carson
Carson Agency, Inc.
Mr. Richard A. Cecka
Mr. Frank L. Chavez
Mr. Joseph F. Chaya
Ms. Ann M. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Joetta Connors
Mr. & Mrs. John & Holly Cooley
Msgr. R. Roy Cosby
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick and Terri Cronican Jr.
Mr. Norbert A. Crowe
Dr. Robert C. Culpepper
Mrs. Gary Curran
Mr. Phillip W. Curtis, Jr.
Mr. Anthony S. Da Vigo
Mr. Mark and Mickey Dalton
Mr. Guy M. De Primo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Josephine Demeter
Demeter Family Charitable Fund
Mrs. Ginger K. Denman
Mr. Thomas E. Devine
Mr. Charles E. Donnelly
The James R Dougherty Jr Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Mary N. Dudley
Mrs. & Mr. Rosalie and Charles Dunham
Mr. Theodore N. Emard
Mr. Donald L. Esser
Mr. Paul A. Fenzl
Mr. & Mrs. Jim and Rose Flaherty
Mr. Pierre C. Flajole
Mr. Walter T. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth and Diane Frische
Mr. Roger C. Geddes
Mr. and Mrs. Michelle and Louis Gentine
Mr. Louis J. George
Ms. Marianne E. Gillespie
Mr. Urbano Godoy
Mr. Lawrence E. Gorski
Mr. Joseph C. Grimm
Mr. John F. Gudac
Mr. Lawrence J. Gundrum
Mr. & Mrs. Peter and Evelyn Hanrahan
Ms. Elizabeth Barbara Harms
Mr. Earl Hebig
Mr. John Heck
Mr. Joseph P. Henchey
Mr. Robert J. Hennessey
Ms. Barbara M. Hoffman
Ms. Marianne F. Hondel
Mr. Mark M. Hopfinger
Ms. Bonnie A. Hourigan
Mr. & Mrs. Albert and Lenise Howard
Mr. Dale Hunt
Mr. Robert J. Hurtubise
Mr. & Mrs. Ron and Kathryn Ivey
Mr. Robert M. Karl
Mr. & Mrs. Alex and Catherine Kauer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark and Janice Keeley
Ms. Sara M. Kelly
Mr. Frank J. Kernan
Ms. Hedwig Kesler
Mrs. & Mr. Deanna and Jack King
Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Patricia Kisicki
Mr. & Mrs. James Knauer
Mrs. Thomas S. Knight Jr.
Mr. John Kotre
Mr. Alfred F. Krause
Mr. Alexander J. Kuhn
Ms. Joanne Kunz
Mr. John F. Kyle
Mr. Edmund G. La Cour
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Lahoud
Ms. Maria Lauricella
Mr. & Mrs. Nhan and Pod Le
Mr. & Mrs. Abbott and Pamela Lee
Mrs. & Mr. Carol and Jerry Lingeman
Mr. Martin J. Lowery
Mrs. Helen A. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory and Emily J. Mailand
Ms. Patricia M. Maney
Mr. & Mrs. James Mason and Jane Medrzycki
Ms. Jacqueline M. Massood
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and Ellen Matragrano
Rev. John J. McCormack
Mr. William K. McElroy
Mr. & Mrs. Francis and Claire McLaughlin
Mr. Hugh M. McLaughlin
Mrs. & Mr. Lynn and Louis McMahon
Ms. Rose Marie McMahon
Mr. Matthew V. Merola
Mr. Robert E. Meyer
Mr. David B. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. James and Marianne Molinaro
Mr. Ted G. Molitor
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Monaco
Mr. Peter Moody
Mr. Daniel J. Morvant
Ms. Elizabeth T. Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Birch and Catherine Mullins
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Murphy
Mr. Larry Murphy
Ms. Donna D. Nasset
Mrs. & Mr. Nga and Giac Nguyen
Mr. Matthew Nickson
Ms. Alessandra Nogales
Mr. Jeffrey W. Nutting
Ms. Helen D. Oberhart
Mr. Robert O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. David and Mary Orser
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur and Janet O’Shea
Mr. Bill Paparis
Dr. Monica Paulo
Mr. Michael F. Pawlowski
Ms. Elizabeth A. Pechuzal
Dr. Gail and Jan Person
Mrs. Carolyn M. Petachenko
Mr. John W. Petrozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Justin and Catherine Philpott
Ms. Kathleen M. Potts
Ms. Patricia A. Quinn
Ms. Mary M. Rector
Ms. Clare Reilly
Mrs. & Mr. Mary and William Rickard
Mr. Francis Michael Roach
Mr. John C. Robben
Mr. & Mrs. Philip and Jeanne Rosenbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie and Martha Russo
Mr. Norman W. Saucedo, Esq.
Ms. Annette H. Schell
Ms. Diane M. Schellbacher
Ms. Marilies W. Schoepflin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph and Elizabeth Schwartz
Rev. Augustine H. Serafini
Ms. Judith Antoine Shanley Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sharp
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth
Ms. Jeanette Sliter
Mr. William Smith
Mrs. Linda Spadafora
Mr. Rudy N. Spieker
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish
Mr. & Mrs. David and Wreatha Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Bob and Brenda Stenger
Mr. & Mrs. Al and Barbara Stephenson
Ms. Mary Lou Stromer
Bishop Gregory J. Studerus
Ms. Becky Jean Sutton
Ms. Carol A. Tauer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and Sharon Caya
The Poor Clares of Los Altos
Ms. Kathryn and Raymond Vogt
Mr. F. Gregory Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Jon and Kathleen Walsh
Mr. Theodore R. Weitzel
Ms. Linda Wheeler
Mr. Robert J. Whittington
Msgr. Michael J. Winterer
Mr. Eustace Wolfington III
Mr. Gerald J. Wright
Mr. Thomas L. Young