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Adoption of the URF: A Chance for the EU To Bring More People to Safety
April 11, 2024
Advocacy Resettlement & Complementary Pathways Migration Policy Resettlement (Advocacy)
The URF, adopted alongside the EU Pact on Asylum and Migration, offers a glimmer of hope for refugees across the globe. 22 civil society organizations call for it to be fully put into action to create a more protection-focused approach to refugee resettlement.
36 Organizations Welcome EU Decision to Extend TPD for Refugees Fleeing Ukraine
October 24, 2023
Advocacy Access to asylum Asylum Temporary Protection Ukraine
ICMC Europe, the SHARE network, and 35 other organizations welcome the EU’s decision to extend the Temporary Protection Directive for Ukrainians until March 2025. They also urge EU Member States to ensure these rights are accessible in practice, and that long-term protection measures be put in place.
Share Network: Seven Priorities to Expand Resettlement and Safe Pathways to Europe
September 19, 2023
Advocacy Resettlement & Complementary Pathways Migration Policy
Ahead of EU Member States submitting their pledges for the EU resettlement scheme by 15 September, we call on leaders to ambitiously expand safe pathways to international protection and better reflect Europe’s capacity to welcome.